Our project to photograph and measure waterfalls we visit

Friday, April 22, 2016

Little Nestucca Falls

On Wed., April 20, we drove and hiked to the Little Nestucca Falls. The story of this adventure is on my Ramblings blog: http://lindafink.blogspot.com/2016/04/our-latest-greatest-waterfall-adventure.html

The falls is located within Oregon State Forestry land with no trail or easy access. We took FS road 2281 from Sourgrass Summit on Hwy 22 into the northwest corner of Section 10 and hiked from there down to Fall Creek and followed it to the Little Nestucca River junction. The falls begins shortly after Fall Creek and the Little Nestucca join together. lat/long 45.078483 -123.753433

Lots more photos and a description of our route in and out are on the link above.

Below is the first drop from two angles.

And the entire falls...

The Northwest Waterfall Survey says it is 75 feet tall, but that includes three separate cascades. The top one is a sheer drop that Johnny estimated at 25 feet. The second is a cascade of maybe 35 feet. The third is a less steep cascade of, presumably 15 feet, although these are all rough estimates. Taken together, the falls are spectacular.


  1. I hiked in to these falls with a few treasured friends years ago. That day and the adventure will always be one of my personal favorites...

    1. Thanks for the reminder that we can always revisit good memories.
